The picturesque county of Kabujogera in Kitagwenda witnessed an exhilarating bicycle race yesterday, as the Tooro Kingdom, in partnership with MTN Uganda, hosted a thrilling event that left residents buzzing with excitement. The race, aimed at promoting sports talent and raising awareness about HIV/AIDS, received overwhelming support from the community.

A total of 26 skilled riders, including 19 manual bike riders and 7 sports bike riders, fearlessly maneuvered through a challenging 30-kilometer route. The cyclists braved the rugged roads, pedaling their way from Kabujogera town council to Ntara and back.

The race winners were crowned amidst cheers and applause. Lauben Barekyeraho emerged as the triumphant champion in the ordinary bicycle category, while Joshua Mugume clinched the top spot in the sports bike race. Their remarkable performances showcased their dedication and skill on the challenging terrain.

MTN’s sponsorship of the race received praise from various leaders and officials. Obadiah Mwijuka, the Tooro Kingdom County Chief for Kitagwenda, expressed gratitude towards MTN for their unwavering support of the Kingdom’s sports activities. Mwijuka recalled the cherished memory of when King Oyo’s father, King Patrick David Kaboyo Olimi III, visited the area and played football with pupils at Ntuntu Primary School.

Joseph Ruwheza, the Chairperson of Kabujogera town council, encouraged the youth to embrace the race as an opportunity to break away from monotony and avoid harmful temptations. Aggrey Byaruhanga, the MTN Regional Marketing Manager, urged the young generation to actively participate in the Kingdom’s sports activities while spreading awareness about the urgent need to eliminate HIV/AIDS by 2030. Byaruhanga reaffirmed MTN’s commitment to supporting Tooro Kingdom’s health campaigns.

Ismael Mushemeza, the Kitagwenda district Chairperson, commended Tooro Kingdom for extending its services throughout the entire Kingdom. He urged residents to take inspiration from the Baganda and wholeheartedly engage in Kingdom activities, thereby taking ownership of their heritage. Mushemeza also revealed the government’s plans to construct a sports center in Kitagwenda, aiming to enhance co-curricular activities in the region and provide opportunities for young talents to flourish.

The race not only celebrated the winners but also highlighted the positive impact it had on the participants’ lives. Vincent Tumwebaze, last year’s winner and this year’s second-place finisher, expressed gratitude for the 500,000 Shillings prize money he received from MTN. He revealed that the funds helped him take care of his health and invest in his small business, paving the way for a brighter future.

MTN’s unwavering support for the Tooro Kingdom bicycle race demonstrated their commitment to promoting sports talent and fostering community engagement. The race’s success serves as a testament to the power of collaboration in achieving common goals, and it further strengthens the bond between MTN and Tooro Kingdom.

Soroti City, Uganda MTN Uganda in partnership with the Uganda Small Scale Industries Association on Friday donated sewing machines, overlock machines, sewing threads, button attachments and sewing materials, computers, printers and training to Teso Textile Light Dynamics, a tailoring enterprise in Soroti City, in the ongoing 21 Days of Y’ello Care Campaign.

The MTN Uganda employees also participated in cleaning Soroti City Market as part of their contribution to the communities. The entire exercise costs UGX20 million.

This follows the launch of the annual campaign on Thursday aimed at empowering local entrepreneurs and driving economic growth. 

Eight enterprises are set to benefit from this year’s 21 Days of Y’ello Care campaign executed in 25 days in commemoration of the upcoming MTN Uganda’s 25th anniversary  

 To kick of this years’ initiatives, MTN   handed over of various equipment including an embroidery machine and training on the new digital technologies to members of Disability Employment Link Project Uganda in Kampala to boost their business.

Disability Employment Link Project Uganda consists of 75 disabled women and talented men who engage in tailoring and shoemaking to provide for their families and improve the livelihood of their communities.

Andrew Bukenya, senior manager, Risk and Compliance at MTN Uganda said their support to the entrepreneurs, particularly in underprivileged communities, is aimed at stimulating economic growth and creating jobs for the population, leveraging on the information and communication technologies.

“We, at MTN Uganda believe that entrepreneurship is the key to unlocking economic and social development in our communities and that’s why we’re excited to support entrepreneurs such as Teso Textile Light Dynamics,” he said. 

He said MTN Uganda is supporting small businesses and entrepreneurs to unlock their potential and create opportunities for job growth and development in all the areas it operates. 

Uganda has been known globally as the most entrepreneurial country but also with the highest failure rate of businesses.

George William Okoit, the founder of Teso Textile Light Dynamics which employs 15 people mainly single mothers, thanked MTN Uganda for extending the support noting that it will go a long way in boosting their tailoring business.

“This increased number of equipment also places us in a comfortable position to accommodate more students who are internship in this field,” he said.  

James Obore, the deputy city clerk, of Soroti City congratulated MTN Uganda for the support extended to their communities. 

“We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to MTN Uganda and all the individuals who took part in today’s initiative to clean up Soroti. Your contribution is immensely valued,” he said.

MTN established the 21 Days of Y’ello Care initiative in 2007 to allow its employees to directly contribute to the communities in which they live and work.

This year’s program has been themed “Empowering Entrepreneurs to Unlock Growth and Job Creation for Communities” highlighting the company’s commitment to driving digital transformation and fostering economic growth countrywide.

This initiative aligns with the telecom’s Ambition 2025 to lead digital solutions for Africa’s progress but also as a partner with the government to achieve the national development agenda as stipulated in the National Development Plan III and Vision 2040.

MTN Uganda employees have over the years been involved in tens of initiatives in the communities through the 21 Days of Y’ello Care to boost their production capacity and transform their lives and that of their communities.


About MTN Uganda

MTN Uganda is a leading telecoms company in Uganda with a primary objective of carrying on the business of a national operator of a telecommunications network pursuant to the National Telecommunications Operator (NTO) license granted by the Uganda Telecommunications Commission (UCC). Among our offerings are network services, digital and financial technology services, interconnect and roaming, sale of mobile devices and MTN Mobile Money (which is conducted through subsidiary MTN Mobile Money Uganda Limited). MTN has a presence in all 134 districts of Uganda. services are delivered through a network of over 170,000 Mobile Money agents, 200 service stores and 13 main distributors. For the six months ended June 2022, MTN Uganda had 16.3 million subscribers, 9.8 million MoMo users and 5.7 million active data users. Visit us at or follow us on and for assistance. 

About the MTN Group

Launched in 1994, the MTN Group is a leading emerging market operator with a clear vision to lead the delivery of a bold new digital world to our customers. We are inspired by our belief that everyone deserves the benefits of a modern connected life. The MTN Group is listed on the JSE Securities Exchange in South Africa under the share code ‘MTN’. Our strategy is Ambition 2025: Leading digital solutions for Africa’s progress.

For more information, please contact: 

MTN Uganda Press Office: 

Rhona Arinaitwe: or 0772 123 067

Prisca Baike: or 0782 654 083

MTN Uganda has taken a significant step towards a greener future by receiving a test electric vehicle from Motorcare Uganda Ltd. This milestone aligns with MTN’s ambitious goals outlined in the Ambition 2025 strategy, focusing on creating shared value and placing environmental, social, and governance (ESG) principles at the core of its operations.

The introduction of a test electric vehicle into MTN Uganda’s fleet signifies a crucial advancement in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and contributing to the global fight against climate change. Recognizing the urgency of transitioning away from fossil fuel-based vehicles in the face of rising temperatures and their consequences, MTN Uganda aims to gradually replace its entire fleet with electric vehicles, subject to the success of the test phase.

By embracing sustainable practices, MTN Uganda is determined to fulfill its pledge to achieve net-zero emissions by 2040, as outlined in its sustainability framework. The company remains dedicated to improving energy efficiency, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and enhancing water and waste management across its operations. Through its partnership with Motorcare Uganda Ltd, MTN can leverage advanced sustainable technologies that align with its net-zero objectives.

MTN Uganda has a proven track record of prioritizing ESG practices, exemplified by its eco-responsibility commitment. Transitioning over 64% of its sites to hydroelectricity has already resulted in a remarkable 4.4% reduction in carbon emissions (tCO2). The company firmly believes in managing environmental resources sustainably for the benefit of all.

CEO of MTN Uganda, Sylvia Mulinge, stated, “The acquisition of a test electric vehicle from Motorcare Uganda Ltd demonstrates our unwavering commitment to environmental stewardship. We firmly believe that our growth and success should not come at the expense of the planet’s future. By gradually replacing our fleet with electric vehicles, we aim to drive a positive environmental impact in the communities we serve while inspiring others to join us in creating a sustainable future.”

“At this occasion, we are filled with pride as we officially present MTN Uganda with a 100% electric vehicle. It is an honor for us to be part of this green venture in Kampala. Let us join forces and bring about a positive change in our environment. Together, we have the power to create a greener and better world for all.” Florence Sempebwa Makada, the Managing Director of MotorCare Uganda said at the handover.

MTN Uganda remains steadfast in its vision of contributing to a better world while delivering innovative telecommunication solutions. The integration of electric vehicles into its fleet signifies a proactive step towards achieving its net-zero emissions commitment by 2040. MTN Uganda invites its customers, partners, and stakeholders to join hands in forging a sustainable path forward and ensuring a brighter future for generations to come.

—– END—–

About MTN Uganda

MTN Uganda is a leading telecoms company in Uganda with a primary objective of carrying on the business of a national operator of a telecommunications network pursuant to the National Telecommunications Operator (NTO) licence granted by the Uganda Telecommunications Commission (UCC). Among our offerings are network services, digital and financial technology services, interconnect and roaming, sale of mobile devices and MTN Mobile Money (which is conducted through subsidiary MTN Mobile Money Uganda Limited). MTN has a presence in all 134 districts of Uganda. Services are delivered through a network of over 173,415 Mobile Money agents, 200 service stores and 13 main distributors. For the period ended 31 December 2022, MTN Uganda had 17.2 million subscribers, 11 million MoMo users and 6.7 million active data users. Visit us at or follow us on and for assistance

About the MTN Group

Launched in 1994, the MTN Group is a leading emerging market operator with a clear vision to lead the delivery of a bold new digital world to our 240 million customers in 21 countries in Africa and the Middle East. We are inspired by our belief that everyone deserves the benefits of modern connected life. The MTN Group is listed on the JSE Securities Exchange in South Africa under the share code “MTN”. We are pursuing our Ambition 2021 strategy with a major focus on growth in data, fintech, and digital businesses. 

For more information, please contact: 

MTN Uganda Press Office: 

Rhona Arinaitwe: or 0772 123 067

Prisca Baike:  or 0782 654 083

MTN Uganda has unveiled the second phase of MTN ACE-Tech known as the MTN Ace-Tech-Incubation program aimed at equipping enterprises with skills needed to successfully spur growth of their businesses.

This follows conclusion of the MTN Ace-Tech’s first phase this month that involved training 130 individuals in software development.

MTN Uganda Foundation and the partners have selected 20 enterprises to participate in the inaugural MTN Ace Tech program’s incubation phase at the National ICT Innovation Hub in Nakawa in Kampala.

The incubation is to be implemented by MTN Foundation through its MTN ACE Tech, Centenary Technology Services and the Ministry of ICT and National Guidance, implemented by Innovation Village, a Kampala-based nongovernmental organisation dedicated to convening various stakeholders to collaborate with and support entrepreneurs to bring ideas to life that leverage technology for scale and to solve the most pressing problems in society. 

Bryan Mbasa, the Senior Manager at MTN Foundation said the selected participants out of 40 that submitted their applications this year will undergo a 13-week training in commercializing their business ideas and managing growth.

 “Throughout this journey, the participants will attend all the master classes, workshops, webinars, networking events and so on, and access tools and high-quality coaches and mentors to support in applying the concepts and insights gained, from the various program sessions towards refining the enterprises,” he said.

He said selected enterprises cut across various sectors including digital financial services, agriculture and transport.

Mbasa said enterprises that will emerge best in the incubation will have an opportunity to meet a wide range of prospective local and international investors for an opportunity to raise an early-stage financing round to spur their growth.

“We, at MTN Uganda, believe in the power of entrepreneurship to create a positive social and economic impact in our communities, and throughout this incubation, we’re proud to support entrepreneurs and enterprises to unlock their potential and create opportunities for growth and development,” he said.

Uganda is ranked as one of the most enterprising countries in the world with high percentages of new business each year, according to Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM). However, the business failure rate remains also high due to inadequate skills and proper product positioning. 

This also coincides with the government’s National Development Plan (NDPIII) which recognizes the potential of ICT to drive economic growth, innovation and job creation.

Rowena Turinawe, the Head of Innovation and Digital Services at Centenary Technology Services, said they are glad to be part of the MTN Ace Tech incubator because it aligns directly with the mission of providing holistic technology solutions and delivers innovation that matters to enable and inspire entrepreneurial growth.

“This initiative will provide pathways for highly skilled innovators to create sustainable and scalable solutions that support service delivery, create employment opportunities, and improve the use of ICT innovation and technology development in the country and this fits perfectly into our agenda,” she said.

“We want to see the youth rise to their potential, equip them with technical skills, open opportunities for them to gain employment and spur innovation as well as entrepreneurship in Uganda.”

“Who better to share about Business than those that have walked the path – 

MTN with 25 years of experience across Africa, Centenary with 40 years of experience across Uganda and now Malawi. That’s combined 75years of business excellence that the selected participants will tap into the MTN ACE program,” Rowena concluded. 

Arthur Mukembo, the Future Lab Studio Lead at Innovation Village said the new partnership the new initiative through the Future Lab Studio, the Innovation Village will support innovators to build and scale solutions by creating pathways that give these enterprises opportunities to build better enterprises.

“This innovative will also enable enterprises to access market opportunities, unlock relevant funding to sustain their growth as they work to improve the lives and livelihoods of Ugandans as they scale into Africa and beyond,” he said.

Meanwhile, Agnes Lumala, the academic registrar at the Uganda Institute of Information Communications and Technology, which hosts the National ICT Innovation Hub, said the government’s partnership with the private sector now crucial to drive new technologies.

“Whereas pushing the digitalization agenda is crucial for government to attain economic recovery, we cannot achieve it without support of the private sector,” she said, acknowledging the contributions of MTN Foundation, Centenary Technology Services and the Innovation Village towards the digital agenda.

MTN Ace Tech is one of the three MTN ACE program launched in December last year and implemented in partnership with the Ministry of ICT and National Guidance, The National ICT Innovation Hub, Centenary Technology Services, Refactory, MUBS Entrepreneurship Innovation, and Incubation Centre, Engage Consults and MTN’s Fintech subsidiary, MTN MoMo Uganda Limited to empower the youths.

 The MTN Ace Tech focuses on up-skilling the youth interested in tech-related innovations.

20 selected enterprises

  1. Kacyber Technologies– KaCyber’s multi-model e-ticketing and payment platform provides a secure and efficient ticketing and payment solution for the public transport sector in Africa.
  1. Quest Lyft Ltd– QuestLyft leapfrogs capital intensive infrastructural challenges encountered in delivering quality education by leveraging the internet to deliver curriculum-aware digital learning content.
  1. Microfuse Computer Technologies- Hardware– The Microfuse stick computer is a low cost, portable plug and play pocket computer that transforms every TV screen into a full functional industry grade computing userfriendly system. Its a magic stick
  1. Rent Beta– Provides financial services in the housing secto through a platform that makes it easy to pay and manage your rent.
  1. Ride Link Limited- Its enables users to be able to get quick Logistics quotes that are matched
  1. Alipata Limited-Alipata provides a unified digital commerce marketplace to facilitate trade among Africa’s informal merchants and leading consumer brands.
  1. Spring time Technologies Limited-Springpesa platform provides electronic payment solutions and wallets to individuals, businesses, and ecommerce platforms so as to promote efficiency in daily financial transaction processing.
  1. Kiso Fresh-Fruit & Veg on demand service.
  1. Nutra Vest Limited-Agtech Solutions that connects farmers to customers, logistic services that create efficiency in the value chain.
  1. Wal-e- Visual- Wal-e-Visual recognizes that digitalisation and emerging technologies such as Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) can play a significant role in making education more accessible and affordable
  1. Waape-A digital talent management work place.
  1. Kwetu Auctions and Reality-A robust timed online auctioning platform providing a virtual reality experience in auctioning
  1. Ablestate Creatives Limited-ICT Services platform that develops talents in software developers and connects developers to gigs & employers
  1. Kungula (D&J global Solutions)- Kungula is a software application providing a platform for information sharing between Agro-Stakeholders in Uganda
  1. Coin Pay-Financial Services for students & Parents to conduct cashless transactions
  1. Autofore-Autofore is developing a platform for help car owners access affordable quality car maintenance services.
  1. MTN Ace Graduate- Nasasira Nebert-Financial Services product with focus on machine to machine
  1. MTN Ace Graduate- Lucky Ninsiima-Dairy farm management platform
  1. MTN Ace Graduate- Ronald Ainebyoona– Worked on service product development of Voice Bundles API with MTN Momo
  1. MTN Ace Graduate- Maclean Nankumbi-Worked on a cloud computing software to enhance communication to target customers

—– END—–

About MTN Uganda

MTN Uganda is a leading telecoms company in Uganda with a primary objective of carrying on the business of a national operator of a telecommunications network pursuant to the National Telecommunications Operator (NTO) licence granted by the Uganda Telecommunications Commission (UCC). Among our offerings are network services, digital and financial technology services, interconnect and roaming, sale of mobile devices and MTN Mobile Money (which is conducted through subsidiary MTN Mobile Money Uganda Limited). MTN has a presence in all 134 districts of Uganda. Services are delivered through a network of over 173,415 Mobile Money agents, 200 service stores and 13 main distributors. For the period ended 31 December 2022, MTN Uganda had 17.2 million subscribers, 11 million MoMo users and 6.7 million active data users. Visit us at or follow us on and for assistance

About the MTN Group

Launched in 1994, the MTN Group is a leading emerging market operator with a clear vision to lead the delivery of a bold new digital world to our 240 million customers in 21 countries in Africa and the Middle East. We are inspired by our belief that everyone deserves the benefits of modern connected life. The MTN Group is listed on the JSE Securities Exchange in South Africa under the share code “MTN”. We are pursuing our Ambition 2021 strategy with a major focus on growth in data, fintech, and digital businesses. 

For more information, please contact: 

MTN Uganda Press Office: 

Rhona Arinaitwe: or 0772 123 067

Prisca Baike:  or 0782 654 083

MTN Uganda has announced the relaunch of MTN Webphone with Webex, an innovative communication solution that enables MTN customers in the diaspora to make calls back home at local calling rates. This solution is being relaunched in partnership with Cisco, the global leader in video conferencing and messaging solutions.

MTN Webphone with Webex is not just a calling application; it is a comprehensive platform that enables users to enjoy a wide range of communication tools, including chatting, conference calling and seamless file sharing from any location around the world. With this cutting-edge solution, MTN customers can keep their business operations running smoothly, connect with friends and family in Uganda at affordable local rates, and collaborate effortlessly with employees and business partners worldwide.

Sylvia Mulinge, Chief Executive Officer of MTN Uganda, expressed her enthusiasm about the new offering, stating, “MTN Webphone with Webex marks a significant milestone in our journey towards MTN’s Ambition 2025. We believe everyone deserves the benefits of a modern connected life and this includes not only providing connectivity but also doing so affordably. Our partnership with Cisco allows us to deliver an unmatched communication experience to our customers, empowering them to stay connected, productive, and agile in today’s digital age. We believe this innovative solution will transform the way people communicate globally.”

Ibrahim Senyonga, General Manager of MTN Enterprise Business Unit, added, “MTN Webphone with Webex is a key addition to our Unified Communications portfolio, that seeks to ensure that we deploy the full suite of voice services, both mobile and fixed, particularly for the business community. We believe that MTN Webphone with Webex is the answer to affordability and convenience for Ugandans in the diaspora, traders and business travelers who want to stay in touch with their contacts and family back home. 

MTN Webphone with Webex is a testament to MTN’s commitment to providing industry-leading connectivity services and empowering businesses with advanced tools to enhance productivity and growth.

To sign up for MTN Webphone with Webex, customers can visit any MTN Service Center with a valid National ID and a working email address. The web phone number, starting with ‘032,’ will be assigned upon registration, enabling users to make calls over the Internet using a smartphone, tablet or any other internet enabled device.

—– END—–

About MTN Uganda

MTN Uganda is a leading telecoms company in Uganda with a primary objective of carrying on the business of a national operator of a telecommunications network pursuant to the National Telecommunications Operator (NTO) licence granted by the Uganda Telecommunications Commission (UCC). Among our offerings are network services, digital and financial technology services, interconnect and roaming, sale of mobile devices and MTN Mobile Money (which is conducted through subsidiary MTN Mobile Money Uganda Limited). MTN has a presence in all 134 districts of Uganda. Services are delivered through a network of over 173,415 Mobile Money agents, 200 service stores and 13 main distributors. For the period ended 31 December 2022, MTN Uganda had 17.2 million subscribers, 11 million MoMo users and 6.7 million active data users. Visit us at or follow us on and for assistance

About the MTN Group

Launched in 1994, the MTN Group is a leading emerging market operator with a clear vision to lead the delivery of a bold new digital world to our 240 million customers in 21 countries in Africa and the Middle East. We are inspired by our belief that everyone deserves the benefits of modern connected life. The MTN Group is listed on the JSE Securities Exchange in South Africa under the share code “MTN”. We are pursuing our Ambition 2021 strategy with a major focus on growth in data, fintech, and digital businesses. 

For more information, please contact: 

MTN Uganda Press Office: 

Rhona Arinaitwe: or 0772 123 067

Prisca Baike:  or 0782 654 083

● MTN Uganda has today boosted the Uganda Communications Universal Service and Access Fund with UGX 36 billion towards extending communications services to the underserved and unserved areas for the year 2023

● All licensed telecom operators in the country are required to pay a statutory 2% levy on their annual gross revenues to the Fund 

● MTN Uganda has over the years extended supported government in deepening digital skills, especially among the youth.

 MTN Uganda has today boosted the Uganda CommunicationsUniversal Service and Access Fund with UGX 36 billion for the year 2023 towards extending communications services to the underserved and unserved areas 

All licensed telecom operator’s telecom in the country are required to pay a statutory 2% levy on their annual gross revenues to the Fund administered by Uganda Communications Commission. 

Established in 2003, the Fund then known as the Rural Communications Development Fund (RCDF) addresses issues of connectivity, access, affordability and equity of ICT services to the population.

Speaking during the handover ceremony at the UCC offices in Kampala, MTN Uganda Chief Executive Officer, Sylvia Mulinge, said they are excited as a telco to contribute to the Fund because it will help extend ICT services in unserved and underserved areas.

“We at MTN Uganda are glad that we are contributing to the Universal Service and Access Fund that will not only help deepen digital services but also boost various sectors of the economy like education, agriculture and health among others,” she said.

“We believe that our support towards this Fund will also help us achieve our ambition of ensuring that everyone enjoys the benefits of a modern connected life.”

Ms Mulinge said MTN Uganda remains committed to developing the ICT sector in partnership with the government to harness the power of technology and unleash the country’s true potential fostering economic growth.

According to the Uganda Communications Commission (UCC) Q2 2022 market performance report, the total number of connected mobile phone devices increased from 35 million in April to 36.1 million in June 2022.

The total number of broadband connections stood at 23.7 million subscriptions as digital financial services had a total of 40.7 million during the same period.

In her remarks, UCC Executive Director, Eng. Irene Kaggwa, congratulated MTN Uganda for the contribution as it will go a long way in ensuring that the country achieves digital inclusion as envisioned in the Digital Vision 2040.

She said Uganda Communications Universal Service and Access Fund has over the years enabled government to set up computer labs in about 1300 secondary schools and given out about 4,000 mobile phones devices to the vulnerable households.

MTN Uganda has over the years extended supported government in deepening digital skills, especially among the youth, with the provision of more than 42 ICT labs in various educational institutions including six in technical institutes like Amelo Technical Institute located in Adjuman District, St. Simon Peter’s Vocational Training Centre in Hoima District, and St. Daniel Comboni Polytechnic in Moroto District to meet the ever-evolving work environment.

Private sector’s decision to join the government to host the second leg of the Uganda-South Africa Summit in Kampala planned later this year shows a changing narrative in the private sector space, as companies seek business deals and contribute to the country’s growth.

The summit which is expected to attract hundreds of private-sector players with MTN Uganda as the lead, follows a similar meeting held in Johannesburg, South Africa, in February this year, all aimed at attracting Foreign Direct investment from South Africa to Uganda

MTN Uganda Chief Executive Officer, Ms. Sylvia Mulinge, said though the government has a bigger role to play in driving the country’s social-economic development, there’s a need for synergy from the private to have this dream realized.

“We, as MTN Uganda, are committed to working with the government as a partner to ensure that the lives of people in the communities we operate in are thriving.,” she said.

Mulinge said MTN’s success in Uganda to the extent of becoming the country’s largest taxpayer is a testament to Uganda being a viable investment destination and how such an investment can transform communities and the country’s economy.

MTN Uganda paid Shs184.9bn in taxes to the government last year compared to Shs150.5bn in the previous year.

Last year, the country’s private sector players through their umbrella body, Private Sector Foundation Uganda (PSFU), initiated and implemented business missions to Kenya, Tanzania, the DRC, Burundi, South Sudan, UAE, Vietnam and the USA among others seeking to trade and investment opportunities.

This is a departure from the past years in which only the government lobbied for foreign investors and markets on behalf of the private sector players.

PSFU Deputy Executive Director, Francis Kasirinya, said the private sector players are now involved in activities that were initially a reserve for government owed to the transforming economy.

“Our economy is transforming and becoming more mature, and we think that it is natural that we go that direction of seeking business ventures within and out of the country. We believe that working with the government shall bring us the best results in terms of expanding our trade opportunities here and across the world.”

Kasirinya said the private sector’s decision to organize business summits in other countries in partnership with the government is playing a big role in advocating for a better business environment in other countries.

He said the country’s private sector players need to focus on seeking partnerships with other businesses globally for investments, trade and technology to help transform local businesses.

Micro and small enterprises

The latest statistics from the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development show that Uganda’s private sector comprises about 1.1 million enterprises, dominated by micro and small enterprises with few medium and large enterprises.

Collectively, about 98.8% of the private sector comprises micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), and less than one per cent are large enterprises.

The majority of the micro-enterprises employ only one person (55.7%), while within the small enterprise category, (6.5%) employ 5-9 persons. Large enterprises are operating in agro-processing, banking, and light manufacturing accounting for slow growth in manufacturing value-added GDP and employment.

Overall, the country’s private sector generates 77% of formal jobs, contributes 80 % of gross domestic product (GDP), funds 60% of all investments, employs approximately 2.5 million people and provides more than 80% of domestic government revenues, according to the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development.

However, the country’s private sector has high mortality levels, with about 90% of private enterprises operating for less than 20 years. The enterprises are also inequitably distributed regionally, with 58.9% in the central region: Kampala alone has approximately 18.9%, while Karamoja Sub-region has less than 1%. 

The high mortality limits the private sector from effectively driving sustainable growth, while informality eliminates them from resource markets, government regulation and support, ultimately inhibiting their growth, expansion, and competitiveness.

Going forward

Ms. Mulinge said it is time for the private sector players including MTN Uganda to partner with the government to help in growing the economy.

“We are already doing this with the government, especially in supporting the provision of social services such as health, education and ICT infrastructure but we need to do more to create a meaningful impact on the population and the country,” she said.

L-R Mackinon Kabarole, MTN Uganda Senior Manager Consumer Segment with MTN Uganda Chief Marketing Officer, Somdev Sen and Ian Mugambe, MTN Segment Manager-High Value Products.

MTN Uganda introduced its latest smartphone offerings with its partnership with TakeNow, offering its valued customers a wider range of choices. Through this strategic collaboration, MTN customers will now have access to an extensive selection of Tecno, Itel, and Infinix smartphones in the open market, coupled with the exclusive benefits of MTN Uganda’s renowned connectivity services.

To further enhance this customer-centric initiative, MTN Uganda will be offering free data (1GB) every month throughout the repayment period, enabling customers to experience seamless connectivity and make the most of their smartphones.

Somdev Sen, the Chief Marketing Officer of MTN Uganda, expressed his enthusiasm about the partnership, stating, “We are thrilled to join forces with TakeNow to bring a wider range of smartphone choices to our esteemed customers. At MTN, our focus has always been on delivering exceptional value and convenience to our customers, and this partnership aligns perfectly with our commitment to offer industry-leading connectivity solutions. By expanding the smartphone options through Tecno, Itel, and Infinix, we are providing our customers with more opportunities to find their ideal device that fits their lifestyle.”

Under the MTN Pay Mpola Mpola scheme, customers can easily acquire their desired smartphone by making an affordable initial payment, usually 40% of the total cost, and walk away with the device. The remaining balance can then be paid in manageable monthly installments over a period of 6 months. This flexible payment option ensures that customers can enjoy the latest technology without financial strain.

These exciting offerings will be available in all open market device selling shops that feature Tecno, Itel, and Infinix smartphones, providing easy accessibility to MTN customers across the country. By partnering with TakeNow, MTN Uganda is furthering its commitment to becoming the largest and most valuable business platform in the continent, as outlined in the Ambition 2025 strategy.

“We firmly believe that this partnership will enhance our customers’ overall experience by empowering them with a broader range of affordable smartphones,” added Somdev Sen. “Together with Tecno, Itel, and Infinix, we are creating a stronger ecosystem that caters to our customers’ diverse needs, allowing them to stay connected and make progress in this digital age. At MTN, we are dedicated to enabling our customers’ balanced life, and these new smartphones are a testament to that commitment.”

“With this partnership, every Ugandan can get a Tecno, Itel, and Infinix smartphone on loan,” Ronald Mugulusi, Sales Director, TakeNow said. “With a small initial deposit, you can walk away with your favorite smartphone and pay the balance Mpola Mpola, plus these phones come with free MTN 7GB worth of data.”

MTN Uganda remains committed to providing innovative solutions that empower its customers and contribute to Africa’s digital progress. Through partnerships and collaborations like this one with TakeNow, MTN continues to reinforce its position as a leader in the telecommunications industry.

DeviceDevice memoryOpen market priceRepayment periodInitial paymentMonthly payment
Infinix Hot-30i128 + 4424,0006 months169,60067,840
Tecno POP-7 Pro64 + 4407,0006 months162,80065,120
Tecno POP-7 Pro64 + 3383,0006 months153,20061,280
Tecno spark-10128 + 8538,0006 months215,20086,080
Tecno spark-10128 + 4458,0006 months183,20073,280

MTN Uganda has announced its partnership with Tooro Kingdom for the highly anticipated second edition of the Masaza Football and Bicycle Racing Tournament. With a commitment of over Shs150 million in sponsorship, MTN is dedicated to fostering healthy living and sports development among the youth in Tooro Kingdom.

The Masaza Football and Bicycle Racing Tournament, organized by Tooro Kingdom, is set to attract audiences as it runs concurrently across the nine counties of the kingdom for two months. This initiative serves as a catalyst for engaging the youth in sports activities and providing them with a platform to channel their energy into healthy pursuits. MTN Uganda believes in the transformative power of sports to uplift communities and empower individuals.

According to official kingdom figures, 15 out of every 100 people in Tooro are affected by HIV/AIDS, emphasizing the urgency of raising awareness about the disease and promoting healthy lifestyles.

Rt Hon Prime Minister Stephen Kiyingi Amooti, highlighted the significance of this tournament in combating this issue. He stated, “Our King HM Oyo Kabamba Iguru has dedicated a lot of his own time and effort to ensure that youths take the reins of leadership in every sphere and area where they are found, but this can only be achieved if they embrace a healthy lifestyle.”

MTN Uganda, as the main sponsor of the tournament, is deeply committed to rallying the subjects of King Oyo towards a healthier way of life. John Paul Okwi, the Head of Sponsorships and Events at MTN, expressed the company’s dedication to this cause. He emphasized, “We call upon all the subjects of King Oyo to embrace sports as we raise our voices and encourage the youth to prioritize their well-being by taking good care of themselves, both physically and mentally.”

The Masaza Football and Bicycle Racing Tournament not only promotes healthy living but also aligns with Tooro Kingdom’s strategic development agenda. Michael Wandera, the Tooro Kingdom Minister for Sports, commended MTN for their consistent partnership and support. Wandera stated, “We appreciate the partnership with MTN, which aims to promote healthy well-being among the youths of Tooro through sports.”

As an organization deeply rooted in corporate social responsibility, MTN Uganda remains committed to empowering communities and fostering positive change. The collaboration with Tooro Kingdom for the Masaza Football and Bicycle Racing Tournament showcases MTN’s dedication to uplifting the youth and promoting a healthy lifestyle through the spirit of sports.

MTN Uganda has announced its partnership with Tooro Kingdom for the highly anticipated second edition of the Masaza Football and Bicycle Racing Tournament. With a commitment of over Shs150 million in sponsorship, MTN is dedicated to fostering healthy living and sports development among the youth in Tooro Kingdom.

The Masaza Football and Bicycle Racing Tournament, organized by Tooro Kingdom, is set to attract audiences as it runs concurrently across the nine counties of the kingdom for two months. This initiative serves as a catalyst for engaging the youth in sports activities and providing them with a platform to channel their energy into healthy pursuits. MTN Uganda believes in the transformative power of sports to uplift communities and empower individuals.

According to official kingdom figures, 15 out of every 100 people in Tooro are affected by HIV/AIDS, emphasizing the urgency of raising awareness about the disease and promoting healthy lifestyles. 

Rt Hon Prime Minister Stephen Kiyingi Amooti, highlighted the significance of this tournament in combating this issue. He stated, “Our King HM Oyo Kabamba Iguru has dedicated a lot of his own time and effort to ensure that youths take the reins of leadership in every sphere and area where they are found, but this can only be achieved if they embrace a healthy lifestyle.”

MTN Uganda, as the main sponsor of the tournament, is deeply committed to rallying the subjects of King Oyo towards a healthier way of life. John Paul Okwi, the Head of Sponsorships and Events at MTN, expressed the company’s dedication to this cause. He emphasized, “We call upon all the subjects of King Oyo to embrace sports as we raise our voices and encourage the youth to prioritize their well-being by taking good care of themselves, both physically and mentally.”

The Masaza Football and Bicycle Racing Tournament not only promotes healthy living but also aligns with Tooro Kingdom’s strategic development agenda. Michael Wandera, the Tooro Kingdom Minister for Sports, commended MTN for their consistent partnership and support. Wandera stated, “We appreciate the partnership with MTN, which aims to promote healthy well-being among the youths of Tooro through sports.”

As an organization deeply rooted in corporate social responsibility, MTN Uganda remains committed to empowering communities and fostering positive change. The collaboration with Tooro Kingdom for the Masaza Football and Bicycle Racing Tournament showcases MTN’s dedication to uplifting the youth and promoting a healthy lifestyle through the spirit of sports.

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About MTN Uganda

MTN Uganda is a leading telecoms company in Uganda with a primary objective of carrying on the business of a national operator of a telecommunications network pursuant to the National Telecommunications Operator (NTO) licence granted by the Uganda Telecommunications Commission (UCC). Among our offerings are network services, digital and financial technology services, interconnect and roaming, sale of mobile devices and MTN Mobile Money (which is conducted through subsidiary MTN Mobile Money Uganda Limited). MTN has a presence in all 134 districts of Uganda. Services are delivered through a network of over 173,415 Mobile Money agents, 200 service stores and 13 main distributors. For the period ended 31 December 2022, MTN Uganda had 17.2 million subscribers, 11 million MoMo users and 6.7 million active data users. Visit us at or follow us on and for assistance

About the MTN Group

Launched in 1994, the MTN Group is a leading emerging market operator with a clear vision to lead the delivery of a bold new digital world to our 240 million customers in 21 countries in Africa and the Middle East. We are inspired by our belief that everyone deserves the benefits of modern connected life. The MTN Group is listed on the JSE Securities Exchange in South Africa under the share code “MTN”. We are pursuing our Ambition 2021 strategy with a major focus on growth in data, fintech, and digital businesses. 

For more information, please contact: 

MTN Uganda Press Office: 

Rhona Arinaitwe: or 0772 123 067

Prisca Baike:  or 0782 654 083