The second edition of the MTN Tooro Kingdom Masaza Bicycle Races are still underway and they left approximately a thousand spectators in Burahya County astounded. Taking off from Kihondo trading center, this thrilling event featured 51 participants and managed to uphold a strong sense of ethics despite the overwhelming crowd along the race route.

According to Patrick Bwegendaho, the Burahya County Chief, the race was carried out with utmost integrity. He took the opportunity to remind the Kingdom subjects of the importance of actively participating in Kingdom activities, particularly those supported by MTN Uganda. Bwegendaho emphasized the need to instill a deep love for the Kingdom within the younger generation.

Among the participants, a group of exceptional riders emerged victorious, capturing the attention of all. Kenneth Murungi, Raymond Muhumuza, Nicholas Mugenyi, Jovan Alinde, and Richard Kyomuhendo walked away with cash rewards ranging from 100,000 Shs to an impressive 500,000 Shs. In the Sports bikes category, Rajab Gumisiriza, Bright Christopher, Stephen Baruga, Enoch Mutebezi, and Christopher Musinguzi secured the top spots and the associated cash prizes.

The standout winners, Kenneth Murungi and Rajab Gumisiriza, shared their experiences from last year’s edition and highlighted how the funds received from MTN contributed to the advancement of their respective projects. Murungi, an Ordinary fast rider, used the previous funds to purchase iron sheets for his upcountry double-roomed house. With the cash prize he secured this year, Murungi intends to further invest in his ongoing project. On the other hand, Gumisiriza, the Sports bikes winner, plans to acquire a new bike that will enhance his competitiveness in future races.

Following the award ceremony, Wandera Micheal, the Tooro sports minister, announced upcoming changes for future competitions. These changes include an increased number of beneficiaries and the provision of certificates to all participants courtesy of MTN. Aggrey Byaruhanga, the MTN Regional Sales and Marketing Manager, emphasized the significance of utilizing sports activities as a means to advocate for the eradication of HIV/AIDS by 2030. Byaruhanga reaffirmed MTN’s commitment to supporting development initiatives within the Tooro Kingdom.

The MTN Tooro Kingdom Masaza Bicycle Races not only entertained the crowd but also served as a platform to promote active engagement in Kingdom activities and nurture a sense of loyalty to the Kingdom among the youth. With the support of MTN Uganda, this event showcased the riders’ skills and contributed to the development of their respective projects. As future competitions approach, participants can expect even greater opportunities and recognition for their talent.

MTN Uganda has launched a mobile-based supply chain platform that allows businesses in the Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) to place orders, generate invoices for deliveries, pay and collect returns in real-time.

The new platform dubbed FMCG Digital Suite automates the distribution of products and services and allows payment for delivered goods via MTN Mobile Money, eliminating the use of cash in the supply chain. The service has been developed by MTN’s Technology Business and fintech arm, MTN MoMo.

Launching the innovation at Uganda Breweries Limited, MTN Uganda Chief Executive Officer, Sylvia Mulinge, said the new platform is in line with MTN’s Ambition 2025 Strategy that is focusing on building the largest and most valuable platform business in Africa, with a focus on driving digital transformation across various industries.

“This FMCG Digital Suite represents a significant step in our mission to empower businesses, enhance operational efficiency, and enable cashless payments within the FMCG ecosystem,” she said.

“We are privileged to collaborate with Uganda Breweries Limited, to pilot the FMCG Digital suite through their ecosystem. We encourage more other businesses to enroll on this platform to reap the benefits of a modern connected world.”

This development comes at a time the businesses are embracing digital solutions to improve efficiency, combat supply chain challenges, and reach wider markets. 

Latest statistics from the International Trade Administration show that half a billion people in Africa will be e-commerce users by 2025. 

And according to United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), digital commerce could add $180 billion to the region’s GDP by the same year driven by the expansion of the mobile Internet.

Richard Yego, the Managing Director at MTN Mobile Money Uganda Ltd said the new platform will not only hasten the adoption of digital mobile money payments but also boost safety of the business persons in dealing with returns.

UBL Managing Director, Andrew Kilonzo, said the company’s step to embrace this new technology is in line with their passion for innovation to drive digitization and improvement of operational efficiency while addressing the risk of handling cash by their distributors.

 “This is a game changer for us that will essentially translate towards delivering even more value to our consumers. We appreciate a partner like MTN Uganda for coming forward and providing scale to our journey towards digitization,” he said.

MTN Uganda is currently inviting FMCG businesses to explore the FMCG Digital Suite and experience the transformative power of digital solutions.

PostBank, in partnership with MTN Uganda, has today announced the launch of “Wendi,” an innovative mobile wallet platform designed to support the government in the seamless disbursement of PDM (Parish Development Model) funds. 

Wendi is an electronic payments platform powered by PostBank that strategically pivots on group savings and funds management, digital money savings, transfers, deposits, and withdrawals, to drive financial inclusion within unbanked Ugandan communities. 

53% of the Ugandan population is using mobile money services while only 10% of our population are banked. As a bank that has financial inclusion at the core of its operational goals, investing in a mobile wallet solution helps PostBank to bridge the gap between banked and unbanked Ugandans. And because close to 74% of Ugandans live in rural areas, Wendi gives them access to financial resources they need to be part of the Ugandan government’s development goals.

Accessible for download from Google Play Store and onboarding via a *229# USSD code, Wendi offers a wide range of mobile transactions, including paying for utility bills such as Umeme, URA, NWSC, TV subscriptions, school fees, and lots more, paying for goods & services, B2W and W2B. Customers will also enjoy extra ordinary accessibility courtesy of over 3000 Wendi agents that will be stationed countrywide within the next year.

To support the initiative, PostBank, and MTN Uganda have distributed 170 smartphone devices to 170 SACCO representatives in Bukedea. The 5G network-enabled smartphones will allow SACCO representatives to facilitate convenient and timely transfers of PDM funds to beneficiaries’ mobile money accounts. We also intend to provide all SACCOs with accounts in PostBank with gadgets.

“The launch of Wendi is indeed a timely intervention for our people. We expect people to save on transport money and time when receiving their PDM funds and ultimately, the ease of access to these funds should trigger faster economic development within our parishes,” said the deputy chief administrative officer Bukedea District Representative, Norah Anyakoit.

Julius Kakeeto, Managing Director of PostBank shared his enthusiasm for the collaboration between PostBank and MTN Uganda as it’s a testament to the Bank’s steady digital transformation journey. “This collaboration represents our unwavering commitment to transforming the lives of individuals through innovative financial solutions. Wendi is not just a platform; it’s a beacon of hope and a bank for SACCOs set to empower communities, reduce financial burdens, and foster inclusive growth,” he spoke.

“With Wendi, convenience meets affordability, security, and financial inclusion to make a meaningful difference in people’s lives,” Julius added.  

Speaking at the launch, MTN CEO, Sylvia Mulinge reiterated MTN’s commitment to its customers’ growth and contributing towards the economic development of Uganda. 

“At MTN, we have been champions of financial inclusion through our mobile money services, and we understand that in Uganda’s development story, no one should be left behind. Our partnership with PostBank on the Wendi mobile wallet is yet another financial inclusion milestone for Ugandans to celebrate,” she said. 

PostBank’s Executive Director and Chief Digital Financial Services Officer, Andrew Kabeera, also assured customers that Wendi is the future of banking more so in the internet space. “PostBank is committed to maintaining the highest standards of security and data privacy for its customers. Wendi is built on robust security systems, including encryption and multi-factor authentication to ensure secure transactions, and safeguarding of customers’ information,” Kabeera remarked.  

MTN Uganda’s corporate social responsibility arm, MTN Foundation, has launched a social initiative dubbed MTN Changemakers seeking to transform the lives of communities across Uganda.

The initiative aims to support local individuals and organizations driven to make a profound impact on their communities.

MTN Uganda Chief Executive Officer, Sylvia Mulinge, said the telecom company believes in the power of Ugandans to create change in their communities.

“MTN Changemakers initiative is about supporting Ugandans who are doing great work in their communities to improve people’s lives,” She said.

“Ugandans have shown themselves to be exceptional dreamers and doers. They possess the remarkable ability to take what they have and transform it into something extraordinary through passion, skill, and unwavering commitment. They have turned a highly competitive environment into a highly creative one, inspiring us all.”

Ms Mulinge said the initiative will focus mainly on the Foundation’s areas of economic empowerment, education, health, water and environment and agriculture.

She said winners will stand a chance to receive support not exceeding UGX 20 million to help them realise their dreams.

“We hope to invest UGX0.5billion in this initiative covering at least 25 communities in five sub-regions and impacting lives of millions of people who include youth, women and persons with disabilities among others,” she added.

This development comes at a time MTN Uganda is making the 25th anniversary of transforming Uganda’s telecom sector. It also coincides with this year’s brand campaign ‘Together, We’re Unstoppable.’

George Egaddu, Chairman MTN Foundation said the MTN Changemakers initiative embodies MTN’s unwavering commitment to driving positive change at the grassroots level.

“This initiative serves as a platform to support and amplify the voices of individuals and organizations who have visionary ideas and projects that can transform the lives of the people in their communities,” he said.

Interested participants – above 18 years with no criminal record – can submit their applications via the MTN website, WhatsApp/Video  via 0772123100 or physical application at MTN service centres across Uganda.

The application ends on 11th August with the selected winners announced on 28th August 2023. The application has been zoned into five sub-regions: North consisting of West Nile, Lango, Acholi, Karamoja; East consisting of Busoga, Teso, Bugisu and Bukedea; Greater Central consisting of Luweero, Mpigi, Masaka, Mukono; Central consisting of Kampala; and West consisting of Kigezi, Bunyoro, Ankole and Tooro. 

Successful applicants will commence their project implementations on 1st October to 31st December 2023 followed up by profiling of implemented projects in the first quarter of 2024.  

Over the past 10 years, MTN Foundation has invested UGX30billion in more than 250 projects in various focus areas including health, education, water and sanitation and youth empowerment to change the lives of the communities countrywide.

The MTN Tooro Masaza Bicycle Races held on Sunday, July 9, 2023, in Bunyangabu County, Bunyangabu District, were a sensational display of cycling prowess and the power of community support. Sponsored by MTN Uganda and organized by Tooro Kingdom, this event brought together over 50 riders who competed fiercely in the Ordinary and Sports Bicycle categories. The challenging route from Kibiito to Rubona trading center and back witnessed remarkable performances and inspiring stories of triumph.

The winners in the Sports Bicycle category, including Michael Mugisa, Peter Mugisa, Abdul Murungi, Francis Bwekale, and Yusuf Tumusiime, showcased their exceptional skills and speed, leaving spectators in awe. Notably, Michael Mugisa expressed gratitude for the race, emphasizing how it helped him overcome his debts. Determined to secure victory in the final races, Mugisa emphasized the significance of intensive training.

Meanwhile, the Ordinary Bicycle category witnessed outstanding performances from David Sunday, Tobius Muganzi, Raymond Kwikiriza, Posiano Basaija, and Eric Muhanga, who delivered impressive displays of skill and determination. David Sunday, the champion of the Ordinary Bicycle race, shared his inspiring journey, stating, “I started with someone’s bicycle, but I believed that my talent and participation in these races could turn my story, and indeed, I own one now. I’m now focused on the bigger cash in the finals.”

The community’s support played a vital role in the success of the MTN Tooro Masaza Bicycle Races. Gilbert Nyaika, O.C. Bunyangabu Police and coordinator of Bunyangabu County, stressed the importance of thorough training for riders to compete favorably in the forthcoming final races in Fort Portal City. Minister of Sports for Tooro Kingdom, Owek Michael Wandera, echoed this sentiment, emphasizing the need to prioritize training for better results.

MTN Uganda’s sponsorship and commitment to supporting sports activities were evident throughout the event. Collin Kwesiga, the MTN Fort Portal Territory manager, expressed the company’s dedication to promoting talent and raising awareness among the youth about ending HIV/AIDS by 2030. Kwesiga’s remarks highlighted MTN’s involvement in the race and its broader commitment to social responsibility.

The event garnered support from local leaders, such as Patrick Kabagambe, the Mayor of Kibiito Town Council, and Counsel Robert Kagoro, who pledged a generous 10 million to support the Bunyangabu Football team for the finals. The contributions from community leaders showcased the significance of these races as a unifying force within the region.

Participants and winners expressed their heartfelt appreciation for Tooro Kingdom and MTN Uganda for organising and sponsoring the races. Julius Katusiime, a first-time participant, gratefully acknowledged MTN for providing her with the opportunity to showcase her talents. Omubiito Kabuzi, the county chief of Tooro Kingdom, commended the winners and praised Tooro Kingdom and MTN Uganda for their initiatives. Kabuzi emphasized the positive impact of such events on community unity and the significance of using sports activities to raise awareness about HIV/AIDS among the youth.

The MTN Tooro Masaza Bicycle Races in Bunyangabu County served as a thrilling platform for talented riders to exhibit their skills and determination. As the final races draw near, the riders are focusing on rigorous training and aiming to achieve remarkable success. The unwavering support from community leaders and stakeholders exemplifies the collective commitment to empowering the youth and fostering a healthier future. With inspiring stories from riders like David Sunday and Michael Mugisa, it is evident that these races have the power to transform lives and inspire greatness.

The MTN Tooro Kingdom Masaza took center stage as hundreds of spectators flocked to Katooke modern Playground on June 2, 2023, to witness the adrenaline-fueled Bicycle Races and the highly-anticipated Tooro Masaza MTN Football tournament. The joint-hosted events captivated the audience, showcasing remarkable talent and intense competition.

In a display of sheer determination, 36 riders from Mwenge North showcased their cycling prowess in the MTN sponsored Tooro Kingdom Bicycle Race. Covering a challenging distance of approximately 30 kilometers from Katooke Town Council to Mabira and back, the riders navigated the route with finesse and returned unscathed.

“I’m glad MTN Uganda in coordination with the Tooro Kingdom have kept the custom of these races in a bid to appreciate our talents,” expressed Aaron Muhumuza, a resident of Katooke and a double winner in the sports bikes category. Muhumuza, who failed to secure a top-five position in last year’s ordinary races, credited his decision to try his luck in the sports bikes category for his triumph.

The winners in the sports bicycles category included Ibrahim Kawooya, Mugisha Emmanuel, Aaron Muhumuza, Muwonge Muzamil, and Ahebwa Vincent Byoma. Meanwhile, the ordinary bikes category saw Amanyire Wilson, Alituha Rodger, Tukugize David, Tumusiime Leo, and Amanya Wilson emerge as victors. These riders were rewarded with funds ranging from 500,000 to 100,000 Ugandan shillings, respectively, according to their respective categories.

The Tooro Kingdom county chief, Adolf Baseka Musinguzi, commended MTN Uganda and the Tooro Kingdom for their collaboration in organizing the bicycle race. Baseka urged the winners to continue pushing themselves in training to surpass their counterparts from other counties, emphasizing the importance of sustained effort in achieving excellence.

On the same action-packed day, the MTN-sponsored Tooro Kingdom Masaza Football tournament continued to heat up the competition. Fort Portal City faced off against Kyaka County in the first match, which ended in a goalless draw. In the following match, Kyaka secured a 2-1 victory over Mwenge North, solidifying their spot in the semi-finals. Mwenge North’s tenacity paid off in their final match against Fort Portal City, as they claimed a narrow 1-0 victory.

Hon. Tom Bright, the Kyegegwa MP and a supporter of the Kyaka team, delivered a message of sportsmanship and non-violence to the players. He acknowledged the Tooro Kingdom MTN Masaza football tournament as a platform that not only discovers and nurtures youth talent but also serves as a reminder that there is life beyond the games.

Owek. Wandera Micheal, the Tooro Kingdom sports minister, highlighted the significance of these competitions in engaging the youth in the fight against HIV/AIDS. He expressed his appreciation for MTN’s support in various aspects, including the Masaza football tournament and the provision of hospital beds.

The MTN Tooro Kingdom Masaza continues to captivate audiences, celebrating the region’s rich sporting talents and fostering community engagement. Through the partnership between MTN Uganda and the Tooro Kingdom, these events stand as testaments to the power of sports in driving positive change and inspiring young individuals to reach their full potential.

In a thrilling display of athleticism and unity, MTN Uganda’s partnership with Tooro Kingdom brought the exhilarating MTN Tooro Masaza Bicycle Races to the forefront. Hundreds of spectators lined the streets of Kyegegwa, captivated by the heart-pounding action and the spirit of competition that united people from diverse backgrounds.

The winners of the fiercely contested bicycle races left their mark on the event, showcasing their talent and determination. Alvin Mulindwa, an exceptional sports biker from Kyaka County and reigning champion from last year’s Fort Portal City races, expressed his gratitude to MTN Uganda for their unwavering support. He highlighted how their sponsorship has not only elevated his talent but also provided him with a vital source of income. Mulindwa eagerly anticipates participating in this year’s championship races and aims to secure another resounding victory.

The extraordinary performance of Aziz Ssempija, the winner in the ordinary bike category, echoed the sentiments of many riders who called for increased rewards. Ssempija emphasized the need for greater financial support, stating, “The effort put by MTN to boost Tooro Kingdom sports is appreciated, but we ask them to consider increasing the amount rewarded to the winners.” He stressed that a significant portion of the prize money is typically invested in repairing bicycles, leaving inadequate funds for essential training.

Amidst the electrifying atmosphere, Aggrey Byaruhanga, MTN Uganda’s Regional Marketing Manager for west and southern regions, acknowledged the importance of addressing the training needs of riders in Kitagwenda, Kyaka, Kahunge, and Mwenge South. Byaruhanga affirmed, “We are determined to support sports activities within the Tooro Kingdom,” in response to King Oyo’s call to combat HIV. He assured that the request for increased rewards would be diligently forwarded to the appropriate authorities for consideration.

As the cycling races enthralled spectators, the anticipation grew for the upcoming bicycle race in Fort Portal City on June 25, 2023. Participants, inspired by the captivating competitions, are leaving no stone unturned in their training efforts. William Kato, who participated for the first time, expressed his enthusiasm, stating, “This was my first time participating in the Masaza cycling competitions. I am happy with the organization and am now embarking on training so that I can win the Fort Portal race.”

The winners of the Masaza Cycling Races in Kyaka County left an indelible mark on the competition. In the sports bike category, the top performers were Mulindwa Alvin, Kato William, Kyaterekera John, Sabiti Alex, and Bizimanana Colonel. Meanwhile, in the ordinary bike category, the victors were Sempija Azizi, Kawesi Honda, Noberanga Dante, Musa Paul, and Kasana Job.

MTN Uganda’s partnership with Tooro Kingdom has truly ignited excitement and passion within the region. The Masaza Cycling Races serve as a powerful platform for athletes to showcase their skills while promoting unity among diverse communities. The stage is set for the forthcoming races, promising further enthralling displays of athleticism and determination.

Since its launch on November 29th 2022, clinicPesa has been transforming the healthcare landscape in Uganda, providing a lifeline to thousands of individuals who previously struggled to access affordable and timely medical services.

clinicPesa is a digital platform for managing medical expense savings, micro-loans and payments. It enables users can set aside money in increments, which can then be used to pay medical bills at any clinicPesa-registered healthcare facility, including certain pharmacies. 

Healthcare providers receive the payment immediately and securely while gaining access to patients who previously could not afford their services. 

Using clients’ mobile money transaction records, the system also computes a credit score and automatically offers a suitable micro-loan when users are paying a bill larger than the amount they’ve saved. 

clinicPesa users can also share their funds with others and/or make payments on others’ behalf. 

For expecting mothers, the company recently developed a feature called clinicPesa MaMa’s that calculates the expected cost of transport to a clinic, antenatal visits, birth kits and delivery and generates a savings plan tailored to their stage of pregnancy.

Through its digital platform and strategic partnership with MTN Mobile Money, clinicPesa has empowered uninsured Ugandans to take control of their healthcare expenses and improve their overall well-being.

The testimonials of satisfied customers shed light on the profound impact clinicPesa has had on individuals, families, and healthcare providers across the country. 

Dr. Desire Kirabo, Executive Director of Women Wellness and Family Clinic in Mbale, praises clinicPesa’s contribution to women’s healthcare. 

She says that with approximately 400 mothers subscribed to the service, clinicPesa has enabled them to plan and save for their maternal journeys, as well as other healthcare needs for themselves and their families. 

“By providing dedicated medical savings accounts, clinicPesa instills financial discipline and security in patients, eliminating the need for treatment on credit,” Dr. Kirabo said. 

She added: “The seamless payment process through clinicPesa merchant codes has streamlined operations for healthcare providers and reduced administrative burdens, benefiting both parties.” 

Joan Kembabazi from Kiwatule said that during her pregnancy in 2022, she discovered clinicPesa MaMa’s service and decided to create an account with her husband, who lacked insurance coverage at the time. 

clinicPesa became a valuable tool for them to save for medical expenses, mama kits, transportation, and emergencies. 

The peace of mind she experienced during the crucial moment of delivery, knowing that all necessary funds were readily available, exemplifies the transformative power of clinicPesa in supporting maternal healthcare.

Shillah Ebong, a resident of Ntinda, stumbled upon clinicPesa while searching for savings accounts in Uganda. Impressed by its specialized nature, she created her account via MTN Mobile Money and embraced clinicPesa’s autosave feature. 

The real-time savings tracking, convenient medical bill payments, and the option to withdraw savings at the end of the year with a 5% interest are some of the reasons why Shillah recommends clinicPesa. 

The trust she developed in the company, knowing that it is regulated by the Bank of Uganda, further solidified her decision to join.

These testimonials reflect the wider impact clinicPesa has had on Ugandan society. 

By providing flexible savings options, clinicPesa caters to individuals from all walks of life, allowing them to save any amount, no matter how small, for their healthcare needs. 

This inclusivity ensures that even low-end customers can proactively manage their healthcare expenses. 

The availability of instant medical loan top-ups has provided a safety net for individuals whose savings may not be sufficient to cover medical expenses, enabling them to promptly access the treatments they require.

clinicPesa’s impact extends beyond financial management. By promoting health-seeking behavior and medication adherence, clinicPesa is positively influencing health outcomes for its users. 

The reduction in self-medication and incomplete dosages indicates that clinicPesa is fulfilling its mission of improving access to healthcare and fostering a culture of responsible healthcare management.

Looking towards the future, clinicPesa aims to expand its network of partners to provide even more value to its customers. 

With a vision to support the implementation of the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) and achieve universal health coverage for all Ugandans, clinicPesa is determined to make a lasting impact on the country’s healthcare landscape.

Looking ahead, clinicPesa has emerged as a beacon of hope in Uganda’s healthcare system since its launch on November 29th, 2022. 

Through its innovative digital solutions, it has empowered individuals to take control of their healthcare expenses, ensuring that no one has to compromise their well-being due to financial constraints. 

By fostering a culture of saving, providing seamless payment options, and promoting responsible healthcare management, clinicPesa is transforming the lives of Ugandans, one healthcare journey at a time.

The highly anticipated MTN-sponsored Masaza Football Tournament, in collaboration with the Tooro Kingdom, kicked off in thrilling fashion with a combination of bicycle races and football matches. The event received accolades from Kibaale County residents, who were impressed by the Kingdom’s commitment to nurturing local talent and MTN’s generous cash rewards.

At Kyabenda playground in Kahunge town council, Kamwenge district, Group A witnessed a riveting clash that drew nearly 1000 spectators. Kitagwenda FC, Kibaale FC, and Mwenge South FC fiercely battled it out in three separate matches. The results were as follows: Kitagwenda 1-1 Mwenge South, Kitagwenda 0-1 Kibale, and Mwenge South 2-0 Kibale County.

Based on these outcomes, Mwenge South secured their place in the semifinals by topping Group A with 4 points, while Kibale accumulated 3 points and Kitagwenda earned 1 point. The remaining semifinalists will be determined once Group B, featuring Fort Portal, Mwenge North, and defending champions Kyaka, as well as Group C, consisting of Ntoroko, Burahya, and Bunyangabu, conclude their matches.

Before the football matches commenced, a 19 km bicycle race from Kahunge to Kamwenge and back enthralled the spectators. Fifty riders participated in this exhilarating contest. Notably, Ambrose Kyarugaba, Alex Wabulo, Ibrahim Kwezi, Anthreme Muwhezi, and Stephen Tumuhimbise emerged as the top five ordinary bicycle riders. In the sports bikes category, the victorious riders included Eric Musiimenta, Martin Ampaire, Stephen Tumuhaise, Celestine Nkuzimana, and Enock Calvin.

As tradition dictates, the winners of the bicycle race were handsomely rewarded, with the top-ranked riders in the ordinary and sports bicycles divisions receiving cash prizes of 500,000 and 400,000 Ugandan shillings, respectively.

Solomon Mulihebwa, the Chief Organizer, clarified that there are no team prizes for the bicycle race, but the winners automatically qualified for the semifinals scheduled for July 28 in Fort Portal City. The event garnered significant support from influential figures, including Isiah Kanyamahane Byarugaba, the Kamwenge RDC, who commended the Tooro Kingdom for organizing such a remarkable event and pledged continued support for constructive activities in their district.

The function was graced by the presence of all Tooro Kingdom Masaza County chiefs representing Kibaale, Kitagwenda, and Mwenge South. With the tournament progressing, fans eagerly anticipate the forthcoming matches as the competition intensifies, aiming to unearth the finest talents and showcase the rich sporting culture of the Tooro Kingdom

MTN Uganda pledges UGX 30 million to the Uganda Cranes national team for their upcoming AFCON qualifier match against Algeria in Douala, Cameroon.

MTN Uganda, the leading supporter of Ugandan football, is excited to announce a new pledge of UGX 30 million to the Uganda Cranes national football team ahead of their upcoming Group F African Cup of Nations (AFCON) qualifier match against Algeria. The game is scheduled to take place in Douala, Cameroon on Sunday, 18th June 2023. Just like their previous win against Tanzania, this pledge is tagged to a win and is designed to motivate the national team to aim for maximum points against their formidable opponent.

Mr. Somdev Sen, the Chief Marketing Officer of MTN Uganda, expressed his excitement and optimism for a win. “MTN Uganda is proud to stand behind the Uganda Cranes and their journey towards AFCON 2023. The team continues to show intense commitment to excel, and we believe in their ability to achieve great success. This new pledge of UGX 30 million is our way of motivating and supporting the players as they go head-to-head against Algeria.”

The announcement of this pledge was made at the Mutesa II Stadium Wankulukuku, during a training session for the national team ahead of their departure to Cameroon. The team has been putting in tremendous effort and remains focused on making Uganda proud.

James Byamukama, an executive committee member at the Federation of Uganda Football Associations (FUFA) in charge of Sales, expressed his gratitude for MTN Uganda’s continued support. “Once again, MTN Uganda has come through with a great incentive plan for Uganda Cranes. This is a demonstration of what they have been saying that the spirit of togetherness, is unstoppable. We thank MTN Uganda for this kind gesture and their commitment to Uganda sports, particularly football.”

MTN Uganda’s commitment to supporting Ugandan football is unwavering. Earlier this year, the company announced a UGX 19 billion sponsorship over five years to the Federation of Uganda Football Associations (FUFA) to support various football programs and initiatives. This pledge for the Uganda Cranes’ victory against Algeria is an extension of that commitment, aimed at fostering the growth and development of football in the country.

MTN Uganda encourages all Ugandans to show their unwavering support for the national team when they take to the pitch on Sunday 18th June 2023. The game will be broadcast live and MTN will be setting up public viewer parks in Kampala and major towns across Uganda. Fans can also follow the action live on social media under the hashtag #MTNUgFootball.

MTN Uganda is proud to be associated with the Uganda Cranes and wishes them the best of luck in their match against Algeria.